Jumat, 12 April 2013

Inflansi Inggris Meningkat. GBP/USD Incar Area 1.5410

 Home Learn Forex Broker Analysis News Article Tools Gold Community Survey Data on Apr 12, 2010 1: 55 pm View: 235 Inflansi United Kingdom increased. GBP/USD Seek Area 1.5410.  UK inflation is expected to rise this year. And this dilemma on Bank of England officials whether they will boost stimulus or not.  The average increase in consumer prices is expected to be at the level of 2.8 percent this year, compared with 2.7 percent in March, according to the median estimate of 35 economists in a Bloomberg monthly survey released yesterday. Economic growth is expected to average will grow by 0.8 percent in 2013, compared with the previous estimate of 1 percent.
 Monetery Policy Committee members differ with the Governor pandanga Mernyn King about whether or not need to increase purchases of bonds associated with economic growth.  On the other hand, officials continued to hold its target this month, and the minutes demonstrate how sound their election results will be released on April 17, later.
 Rob Wood, an economist at Berenberg Bank in London and a former Bank of England officials said that Growth stagnated and weakened is a picture we face while, and inflation still above target '.  He added that; That is the main thing holding a further stimulus. Growth will not be enough to force every Member of the MPC to revamp its policies this month.

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